We’re spotlighting one of our most popular wallpaper brands this week—Livette’s Wallpaper! It’s easy to see why Livette’s wallpaper patterns are such favorites with parents. […]
PN Shop
Gong Xi Fa Cai! It's the year of the rabbit! We're celebrating here at Project Nursery by sharing year of the rabbit nursery ideas, of course! The Lunar New Year marks the new moon and the start of a fifteen day festival celebrated throughout China and Chinese communities all over the world. I am proud …
We are very excited to share a special nursery with you all today. We partnered with Nik and Liv Stophol, also known as Nik + Liv DIY, on their nursery creation, and we just love how it turned out. […]
Some of these letter boards from pregnant moms, new moms and veteran moms had us literally laughing out loud and others had us nodding in agreement. Mom life is tough and wonderful, and the key to enjoying it all is a good sense of humor. […]
If you have been in this parenting business for any period of time then you know two things that kids can make extremely difficult for parents—travel and bedtime! Put the two together and you have a recipe for disaster. We’ve got good news for you though—the newest member of the Project Nursery electronics line is …
We want to make it even easier for you, interior designers, to get our products into the homes of your clients by offering a special discount just for you in our Designer Trade Program. […]
Happy Black Friday! We’ve been working hard to round up all our favorites for babies, nurseries and kids for our biggest sale of the year at The Project Nursery Shop, and it’s finally here! […]
Hey, fall. It’s been a while. When it comes to nursery decor and baby style, fall kind of gets the short end of the stick. The colors of fall aren’t big stars in the baby world, and with the holidays just around the corner, this gorgeous season often gets overlooked for decor and baby accessories. …