Baby Gear

High Tech Nursery Products

With so many high-tech nursery gadgets on the market, it’s easy to wonder, Do I really need that? And while there are many aspects of parenthood that don’t require any technology, there’s something to be said for the latest baby gizmos to help make our lives a little calmer, easier and less stressful as new parents. […]

Remember the 5-second rule? Yeah, that was so 2019. Sanitizing has taken on a WHOLE lot more meaning in this Covid-crazy world. No time like the present to introduce you to our newest addition—the Project Nursery by Surface XL Pro UVC Sanitizer + Charger! […]

Hush Baby Sound Soother

We call this guy, the little sleep miracle! Help your little bundle of joy sleep soundly with the calming sounds of our new Project Nursery Hush Baby Sound Soother. Perfect for new parents, this convenient and portable compact soother comes with three pre-loaded sounds including Mother's "Shh" to help get baby to sleep easily and …

PN x Ubbi Diaper Decals

We are excited to announce a partnership between Project Nursery and Ubbi. With them, we created two diaper pail decal designs that allow you to take Ubbi’s already great looking diaper pail up a notch. [.

Bugaboo may be most famously known for their larger luxury strollers with all the bells and whistles, but I got the chance to try out Bugaboo’s new travel stroller the Ant, and it is good. […]

Nuna Exec Convertible Car Seat

You guys know I love Nuna by now, right? We’ve used a number of their products in our home, and when my daughter was born, the Nuna Pipa Infant Car Seat was my #1 choice. So when I heard about the Nuna Exec, a new convertible car seat that also transitions into a belt positioning …

Baby HearMuffs

Summer is filled with outdoor events—fairs, live music, sports games and more. Now some events are just not meant for baby, so call up a sitter when required. But there are other outdoor events that an older baby can happily tag along with some minor modifications. […]