We said it best on instagram earlier this week…our Project Gallery IS ON FIRE! Shiplap, cacti, octagons, florals, and so much more—our readers are hitting this year’s favorite trends and themes in their nurseries, baby showers and birthday parties left and right. We’re filled with inspiration ourselves and anticipate this week’s contest for the favorite to be hot!
Let us know which space you love the most by visiting our Project Gallery and clicking on the heart of that project. We will be back on Monday to reveal our readers’ favorite space!
One Prickly Pair Twin Birthday Party by Natalie Bushman
Modern Boho Geometric Nursery by Natalie Bushman
Miller’s Rustic Farmhouse Nursery by Lauren Winter Dietrich
Katz Nursery Reveal by Everly Monet
Which space or party inspires you the most? Simply visit our Project Gallery page and “heart” your favorite, we will share the readers’ favorite on Monday. Don’t forget, we love seeing (and sharing!) the creativity of our readers! Be sure to upload your nursery, baby shower and child birthday party photos to our Project Gallery.