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The interior of a student's room is radically different from the design of a bedroom for younger children. Now it is no longer a colorful and bright space strewn with toys, but a rational, orderly room, however, not devoid of a special childish charm.
Design features
At the age of 7-12, the child becomes more responsible, organized, but this happens gradually. In the student's room there are toys and books, textbooks and notebooks, things for walking and a school uniform. The task of parents is to ensure balance, to make the transition period from preschooler to teenager interesting and comfortable.

The student's room should be divided into functional areas: work, sleep and play. Sometimes the play area is supplemented with a small workplace - for example, if the child loves to draw or is engaged in modeling, and the desk is installed separately so that work and rest are still separated.
And don't forget the lighting. In a schoolchild's room, the top chandelier alone is not enough - there must be a sconce by the bed and a high-quality table lamp.

Furniture selection
Furniture for a student's room should be practical, and this is the main rule. You will need to provide for the following furnishing elements:

work desk and comfortable chair;
book shelves;
wardrobe or chest of drawers for things;
boxes for storing toys.
It's good if there is a place in the nursery for the child's handicrafts, for his letters and photos. Also, a sports corner will not hurt, so that the child can relieve the accumulated stress with benefit, not by senseless running around the apartment, but with the help of sports.