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Make It a Valentine’s Day to Remember

While Valentine’s Day may lean towards the romantic, there is plenty of opportunity to spread a little extra love on your kids as well. Here are a few fun kid-friendly Valentine’s Day ideas to make the holiday extra special.

Create a “love shack” with those gingerbread house kits you never got around to completing over the holidays. Emily Klaparda has plenty of ideas for decking out your gingerbread.

DIY Gingerbread Love Shack

Get festive with playdough to celebrate the holiday without any added sugar. Check out more sugar-free Valentine’s ideas to share the love with your little ones.

Homemade Playdough for Valentine's Day - Project Nursery

Feel like taking your child’s school Valentine’s Day party up a notch? Get Valentine’s Day party ideas from Happy Wish Company on how to dress the day in style.

Valentine's Day Party

Whip up the sweetest homemade Valentines with this free printable Valentine created by Itsy Belle.

Free Printable Valentines

How do you plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your kids?