In a house full of activity it is nice to try and create special spaces for kids. Outside is always ideal, but inside can also be fun. In the summer I have created outdoor tents using PVC plastic pipe from the the local hardware store. It is easy to create any shape you want with a little rope and glue. Cover with your favorite fabrics and see what you can create. Great for nap time, long afternoons with a favorite book or secret play places for friends. Throw in some mix and match pillows…create a little camping scene.
Who knew how simple it is to make an indoor fort? I love this idea of taking a table cloth and cutting out windows and doors! This table cloth blanket fort is from CoolSpacesForKids.
I love gifts that spark imagination. This adorable Fort Building Kit is via Saltwater Kids, another great gift idea.
And sometimes parents need a hideout too! Take a mattress outside for the summer months and create a day bed for two.. great way to watch the kids play and keep us all young at heart!
The Table Cloth Blanket Fort is a very cool concept! I think I’m gonna try and copy it. I’m sure my daughter will be thrilled.
I really like the makeshift cabana in the last photo. I have always wanted one on our backyard. I wish I know how to do my own using blankets or soft fabric and some wooden poles.