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Classic Baby Girl Nursery


I am not a major pink fan, so my goal was to create a classy, sweet feminine nursery without it! I used a neutral white, ivory, and gray palette with a priority for texture. I love the added wood elements and how it brings the entire design together. This is definitely my favorite room in our home! Love it so much. <3


Thursday 2nd of December 2021

Absolutely LOVE your decor!! Could you please tell me the name of the beaded chandelier from Wayfair? Thank you!!

Georgia B

Thursday 8th of April 2021

What size is the faux fur rug? It's all so cute!

Jamie M

Saturday 11th of July 2020

What paint color did you use!? I love how it looks with the crib and dresser

Nicole bishop

Saturday 11th of January 2020

Hey all: Frame answer: Thank you! They are poster size. 24×36, Michaels

Nicole Bishop

Saturday 11th of January 2020

Scroll up I believe i posted those answers before.

Kaylee JAN 11, 2020 AT 11:19 AM Do you know the size of the prints you used and where the frames are from? I want to get the exact bunny prints and I love the size and frames?