As a mother of a young child who is just learning “the love of reading,” anytime I can create a space that enhances the experience or invites more book time I am for it. There are so many ways to build a special space for quiet reading.
By adding more pillows to your bed and alternating the direction of pillows and bolsters, your twin bed can become a reading daybed.
image via Children’s Rooms: Stockholm from PAUMES Publishing
Small closets with doors removed or other empty nooks can be a great place to create a reading room.
image via Children’s Rooms: Stockholm from PAUMES Publishing
Lofts are great for relaxing and reading, or you can build a “reading fort” in your child’s room.
image via Bebes a Paris from PAUMES Publishing
Bookshelves are great for keeping your library in order. A comfy chair nearby makes choosing a story easy.
image via Bebes a Paris from PAUMES Publishing
Where is your child’s favorite place to read?
Natasha Cune
I have always dreamed of having my own reading nook :)
I, too, always wanted a reading nook growing up. Our rental home has the perfect spot for a nook in my daughter’s room, and it’s one of her fav spots:
So go ahead and get yourself a reading nook! We moms deserve it!
Natasha Cune
Well, there’s the issue of space. Maybe when the kids go to college, I’d have plenty or space to choose from to convert to a reading nook. LOL
That’s a cozy spot you have there. I also want a reading corner, but I want it by the window.
Dina Christensen
I love reading, too, and my dream reading spot is not just a nook or a corner or a window seat, it’s a treehouse! Now that I’m too big for a little treehouse, I hope I can build one for my girls.