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Restock School Supplies with Yoobi

Last month, I attended Brit + Co’s Re:Make conference here in San Francisco. It was a day spent exploring technology, networking and soaking up tons of creative inspiration. I enjoyed hearing Brit’s take on the maker movement, which has now grown into over a billion dollar market—hello Etsy! It’s true, people have grown bored with mass market products and no longer want to have all the same stuff. Remember when you had to have the same exact Abecrombie sweatshirt that at least ten other kids in your class had? Now we live in a culture where unique and hand-crafted reign supreme.

It was also at Re:Make that I had the chance to meet the folks behind Yoobi. Heard of them? They’ve taken school supplies to a new and cool “feel good” level. For every Yoobi item you purchase, a Yoobi item will be donated to a classroom in need, right here in the U.S. Their motto is “One for you, one for me.” So simple. We LOVE the vibrant colors and smart looking design of their products too. Totally perks up that school supply aisle, which I’ve been hitting up lately since my kids seem to burn through markers, pencils and notebooks these days. I have to say the pretzel erasers are a huge hit in our house since they double as a fidget. Great design, great company. Thanks, Yoobi!

Check out a few of our favorites from their line.

Yoobi Colored Pencils

Yoobi Glue Stick

Yoobi Pencil Case

yoobi pretzel erasers