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Baby Girls’ Nursery


I wanted a feminine nursery that wasn't too babyish... That she could grow with for years to come. I brought in the owls to give it somewhat of a childish feeling.

Design Inspiration

I love so many of the Pottery Barn nursery examples.

Project Details

I love so many of the Pottery Barn nursery examples. Which is why so many things in her room are from there... The bedding, Mobile, owl book ends, owl stuffed animal, owl lamp.

Paint is Benjamin Moore Lavender Lipstick

I loved the ruffle curtains shown in so many of the pottery barn photos but to save a little, I found these curtains on


I had seen the Alice in Wonderland door knob on pinterest over a year ago and have been searching the web for it. Finally when I was a few months pregnant and searching google, there it was on ebay!


I also knew I wanted a chandelier once i found out we were having a girl!

Baby Girls' Nursery - Project Nursery | Dadne

Sunday 9th of February 2020

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Jamie Uy

Saturday 29th of September 2018

Hi, may i know where you got the door knob! its so cool, i want one for myself! :) thanks!


Friday 9th of June 2017

Loving the chandelier.

Monica Henderson

Sunday 2nd of April 2017

Where did you get the door it, want one for my bathroom


Monday 22nd of September 2014

Where did you get the furniture? Love it!


Saturday 1st of November 2014

from behrs but i believe it is discontinued :(