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DIY Felt Drawer Pulls

The Challenge..? Most standard metal or wood dresser knobs feel a bit dangerous for babies who are exploring, cruising and learning to walk. Our daughter kept putting her mouth over the semi-sharp metal knobs and since she is so wobbly on her feet we imagined her falling and chipping her little teeth. Since we knew we had to get rid of the metal knobs we soon came up with a surprisingly beautiful alternative.

Black + White + All the Colors Gender Neutral Nursery

While I was pregnant, my husband and I decided early on to wait until our baby’s birth to find out the gender. Because of this, deciding how to decorate a nursery was a bit of a challenge. Neutrals are great, but being someone who loves color and lots of it, I knew an all white and gray nursery wasn’t for me. I decided to decorate the nursery in black, white, and grey with lots of patterns and textures and throw in the whole color wheel to brighten things up.

Baby H’s Neutral Nursery with Pops of Color

When I started to plan my baby girl’s nursery, I was not sure where to begin or what I had pictured for her.  I knew I wanted a room with serene neutral walls with pops of color that could represent her vibrant personality.  After 9 gray paint samples on the wall (there really are 50 shades of gray), I finally chose the winner and got to painting still without a final image in my head of how it would all turn out. I decided on stripes for one wall because I had seen so many pictures of nurseries with stripes and just fell in love.  Two words: Frog Tape! It took one day to get those stripes perfected.  After that, I just slowly started buying pieces I loved centered around the bedding I picked out and it all came together with hints of coral, mint, and gold.

Arabella’s Lavender and Pink Nursery

As soon as we found out we were pregnant with our 2nd daughter (our 3rd child) I knew I wanted to give her the nursery we couldn’t afford to give our first daughter.  This project was a labor of love and very personal for me.  I had been struggling with reproductive issues since our 2nd child was born and was absolutely shocked that I was able to get pregnant a third time.  I firmly believe she was a gift from God.
Arabella; An Answered Prayer
I have prayed for this child and God has answered my prayers – Samuel 1:27

Margaret’s Tiny, Vintage Nursery

My husband is in the military so we move a lot and consequently rent our home which means we can’t do any dramatic or permanent decorating.  This nursery had the additional challenge of being tiny–the previous renters had actually been using it as a walk-in closet tiny.  This was our first daughter after three boys so I wasn’t going to let a little thing like size stop me from making her nursery adorable.  And certainly not “gender neutral” :)