Project Nursery

Nearly three years ago when I set out to design my son's nursery, making it eco-friendly was  relatively low on my list of priorities. Maybe I was just naive or maybe it was because my options were limited. In just a few short years however, my mentality has changed for the better and so have …

I am so glad to see RH Baby & Child being used in today's featured room. I enjoy their catalog monthly and often wonder if their classic Chocolate + (insert pale pastel color here) designs are appealing to the masses. Regardless, I  appreciate RH Baby & Child's style and balance between the classic and contemporary. …

Have you noticed all the new skin care products for babies that have popped up in stores recently? Being a total product junkie and a mom in the thick of diaper duty you would think that I would be more up to speed on which products are stand outs and which ones aren't worth the investment. (Let's …

Carmen Raynor from Retro Rooms has done it again! On Monday we featured her son Jack's Vintage Cowboy room and today we take a peak inside Carmen's daughter Lola's room! With a little innovation and a big love for paper dolls Carmen created an enchanting room for three year-old Lola.  I don't know if it's …

PN Reader: My husband and I are adopting a 2 year old little girl and a 6 month old boy. I had 2 rooms all planned out, but the social worker recommended we put them together for 6 months to a year. We had planned a modern nursery for our son. So, we have already …

Middle of the night, your water breaks, contractions begin. Off to the the hospital you go, you're having a baby.  Although there was no water breaking or frantic rushing in either of my children's birth stories (induced), I still have vivid memories of both of the days I walked into the hospital to give birth. …

Shared rooms have become a popular subject over here at Project Nursery and we have received many requests for ideas and inspiration. I too have been paying extra attention to these requests because someday, probably sooner then I think, I may also need to "double up" and put my daughter and son together in one …

Pulling together all the necessities for your baby's room is an overwhelming task. Having to then decorate the room is a whole other job in itself.  We like to think we are making things just a bit easier for you over here at Project Nursery by providing a daily dose of inspiration. So that's why …