Just like Melisa, I was pretty new to the whole world of "Eco-friendly" until babies came into my life. I have sure learned a lot in the past five years and it feels really good that this week's posts are focused on products and people that have made helping our vast planet a priority. Today, …
Baby Gear
Nearly three years ago when I set out to design my son's nursery, making it eco-friendly was relatively low on my list of priorities. Maybe I was just naive or maybe it was because my options were limited. In just a few short years however, my mentality has changed for the better and so have …
Have you noticed all the new skin care products for babies that have popped up in stores recently? Being a total product junkie and a mom in the thick of diaper duty you would think that I would be more up to speed on which products are stand outs and which ones aren't worth the investment. (Let's …
When we moved out of our small NYC apartment and into a spacious San Francisco Victorian one major issue had to be solved immediately. The diaper changing madness! Although my bottom was getting firmer, I was completely exhausted from hauling up and down the stairs with baby in-tow to access the changing table. I needed …
Growing up as the youngest of four I was usually dressed completely in my siblings hand-me-downs. I'm not complaining, actually it was pretty great to have such a wide assortment of clothes and toys. Now, I am insistent on giving away or donating anything that is in decent shape. I was excited to learn about …
They say mixing your metals is fine to do these days. But what about adding a little metallic to your baby gear? Bloom is rockin' 2009 with their new and fabulous "Glitz & Glam" collection. So post your old rainforest themed baby bouncer and boring beige highchair on craigslist or even better, Handmedowns.com. Then add a little pizazz with these …
There are a few things in life we just can't live without and if you're a parent, a diaper bag is certainly one of them. When it comes to everyday use, think of this accessory as more of a lifeline as it will come close to solving all those daily messes and tantrums we experience …
As a proud blogger I love an opportunity to talk about Project Nursery especially when it organically fits into the conversation and turns into helpful advice and not just a shameless plug. The perfect opportunity arose this past weekend when I was introduced to dad-to-be Andy by a friend of mine. Andy is a first …