12 of the Sweetest Smash Cakes

To smash or not to smash? This is the question you ask at your wedding and at your baby’s first birthday party. The trend of a smash cake is quickly moving from first birthday party possibility to party probability. Giving baby her own cake to puzzle her way through and discover what may be her first taste of sugar is always entertaining. Whether your baby dives in mouth first or tentatively turns the cake to crumbs is yet to be seen. Either way, the tiny (or not so tiny in some cases!) cakes are always adorable and make for a great photo op even if you don’t let your baby go to town with it.

Bird Smash Cake
Birdie First Birthday

Breakfast at Tiffany's Smash Cake
Breakfast at Tiffany’s First Birthday

Picnic First Birthday Decorated High Chair and Smash CakePicnic First Birthday Party

Pink Smash Cake with Tiny Balloons
One is Fun First Birthday

Giant Cupcake Smash Cake
Strawberry Shortcake Inspired Party

First Birthday Decorated High Chair and Smash CakeHenry’s Guess How Much I Love You Party

Black and White Striped Smash Cake
Pink and Gold 1st Birthday Party

Smash Cake with Flower
You are My Sunshine First Birthday Party

Winnie the Pooh Beehive Smash CakeWinnie-the-Pooh First Birthday Party

Pink Ombre Smash Cake
Ainslea’s Spring Themed First Birthday

Blue Ombre Scalloped Smash Cake
On the Night You Were Born First Birthday Party

Where the Wild Things Are Smash Cake
Keller’s Where the Wild Things Are First Birthday

And just cause, we had to share the perils of enjoying a little too much cake—ha!

Too Much Birthday Cake?Layla’s Pink and Gold Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 1st Birthday



Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.

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