Besides just being functional, a homework station that is fun and cute may make your children feel a little more enthused to sit down at get to their homework. We’ll try anything to help cut down on homework battles.
It doesn’t get much cuter than this shared work space. A colorful space like this one might inspire creative work once all those spelling sheets are completed.

This family has three children and managed to streamline a work station for all three of them in a hallway—a great use of a space that’s rarely used.

If you have a lot of extra space in your home, you can have multiple work areas for older and younger kids, like this multi-purpose playroom.

A wall desk is a great space-saver when you’re adding a desk to a bedroom.

This faux built-in desk provides lots of extra storage.

This cool acrylic desk is so sleek you can barely see it, keeping the room functional without looking overcrowded.

This mama created her own little preschool inspired playroom—perfect for the kindergarten-and-younger crew that may need less structured schooling.

Even a little nook in a family room can become a school work desk.

Need a quieter spot? This family went full on Harry Potter and used the “cupboard under the stairs” as a cool hideout with a desk inside.

While many people opt for a kids-sized play table in the playroom, this playroom holds a full dining room table, where it’s easy to spread out books and computers or get messy with an art project. Your real dining room table will thank you as it has a much higher probability of staying clean this way.

Go old school with a vintage desk like this mama did in her homeschooled daughter’s room.

Need a spot to keep track of any paper or art projects? We love this DIY display on a kitchen wall.

Please feel free to add your own homework station ideas in the comments!