It wasn’t until I was unpacking all of the gifts from my baby shower that I realized how much stuff babies need. And it wasn’t until about three months in that I fully understood Rule #1 of motherhood: a place for everything and everything in its place. […]
If there’s one thing you learn after you have your first baby, it’s that you don’t need half of the stuff you bought or that you received as gifts. It’s practically impossible to avoid because, well, baby stuff is just so darn cute! […]
During a recent interview, we were asked about mistakes that parents make when designing a nursery, and this got us thinking. So many times we’ve seen our friends, family members and clients decide to skimp on some items that can really help make a nursery function. […]
Living in New York City has its perks, but apartment living with three young children has its challenges. It requires me to be super organized when it comes to keeping the kids rooms clean and clutter-free. When my kids want a toy they want it pronto, so categorizing toys by size and type (cars, balls, …
Today on Her Say, we’re sharing our favorite toy storage baskets and bins for the playroom, plus a couple of simple and unique organizing tricks! Now we want to know how you organize your playroom at home. Here’s a peek of mine…