Living in New York City has its perks, but apartment living with three young children has its challenges. It requires me to be super organized when it comes to keeping the kids rooms clean and clutter-free. When my kids want a toy they want it pronto, so categorizing toys by size and type (cars, balls, hockey pucks, small dolls) help them find exactly what they are looking for. I’m a big fan of clear plastic containers that I can stash under the beds. I also store a lot of my daughters dolls and stuffed “friends” in an extra large monogrammed LL Bean Tote bag which looks super cute on the floor. Baskets with labels are both functional and attractive.
My kids are crazy about crafting and art projects. Old cookie tins and plastic containers keep paints, crayons, markers, play-doh and other art supplies separate from one another. Though every mom wishes she could save each precious project, space just doesn’t permit that. A cool idea is to take pictures of your child’s work and create a mosaic collage that you can frame.
Lastly, throw out any toys that are broken or have missing pieces. Donate or pass along toys that your child no longer uses.
Do you have any organized toy tips? We’d love to hear from you in the comment section below.
Tuesday 11th of September 2012
I'm wondering where I can find the mini-chalkboards pictured above. Love them but can't seem to find them online anywhere. Thanks for your help!!
Saturday 19th of May 2012
Another way to keep artwork is making a scrapbook out of them. If they are of the right size, you can put them into sheet protectors and keep them in a binder. You can then label those binders with the child's name/age/year/etc. That way not only can you revisit those drawing but your child can as well without fear of ruining a memory :)
Artwork for Children | Project Nursery
Tuesday 20th of March 2012
[...] art has been the theme of my last two posts. What I didn’t realize is how passionate PN readers are about this topic, so I thought I [...]
Cool Tips to Preserve Your Child's Artwork | Project Nursery
Monday 5th of March 2012
[...] few weeks ago, I wrote a post mentioning a unique way of preserving your child’s art by creating a mosaic collage. It got [...]
Tuesday 21st of February 2012
we use a lot of artwork (preschool-age) for wrapping paper. Doesn't lend itself as much as the kids get older, but the output of preschool artwork is so prolific that we had to do something.