Shop Suggestions
After having baby #2, we moved our oldest son out of his nursery and into this newly-designed toddler transition room. The room is designed by a dad and is for a two-year old boy named Brady.
Nick Scarpino
Nick Scarpino
After having baby #2, we moved our oldest son out of his nursery and into this newly-designed toddler transition room. The room is designed by a dad and is for a two-year old boy named Brady.
I super love that Hopscotch rug! We can play indoors!
Wow, Nick, you’re amazing! I love what you did with this room, great planning, wonderful, thoughtful choices! I think you’ll win!
Really cute room, but the current trend of hanging empty frames on the wall baffles me.
Carolina Ramos
This is a great room. How did you hang the planes from the ceiling? I bought the same planes from Pier 1 for my son’s room but I have no idea on how to hang it.