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    After having baby #2, we moved our oldest son out of his nursery and into this newly-designed toddler transition room. The room is designed by a dad and is for a two-year old boy named Brady.

    Nick Scarpino
    Nick Scarpino
    Nick Scarpino

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Holly

        November 3, 2013

        I super love that Hopscotch rug! We can play indoors!

      2. maryjonono

        November 8, 2013

        Wow, Nick, you’re amazing! I love what you did with this room, great planning, wonderful, thoughtful choices! I think you’ll win!

      3. DD

        April 21, 2014

        Really cute room, but the current trend of hanging empty frames on the wall baffles me.

      4. Carolina Ramos

        June 10, 2016

        This is a great room. How did you hang the planes from the ceiling? I bought the same planes from Pier 1 for my son’s room but I have no idea on how to hang it.

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