Project Nursery

My designer red-high heels fell by the way side years ago (not so along after baby). Although I still firmly believe that a splash of red heels paired with a sleek black suit is ideal…

Cristin over at the Simplified Bee shares with us a gender-neutral nursery design inspired by the ever popular Owl theme. We adore the board's natural, contemporary feel and the use of an orange and brown color palette.  Visit Cristin's lovely blog for more wonderful home organization and design solutions! From: Cristin Location: San Francisco Peninsula, …

Little Charli enjoyed a perfectly pink 1st birthday. With sweet details such as a signature drink named the “Charli-tini” and the cutest darn bloomers I’ve ever seen, it’s no wonder

I love this theme. It’s fresh and pretty, perfect for a baby shower or a bridal shower. I know it’s been done before, but I have a few ideas to share with you today that I think give it a whole new look.

I'm in a white mood today. No color evokes a more fresh, serene and pure feeling. I love the idea of an all white nursery. I'm not convinced it would be the most practical in my house but I suppose bleach (the chemical free kind of course) would come in handy. Stepping into one of …

We are thrilled about the changes we have coming to Project Nursery in the New Year. We still have a few more weeks before we can unveil our new look but since “Black Friday” is nearly upon us…

Our friends over at The Design File asked us to weigh in on the shared bedroom for brother and sister. We put together a few top tips for achieving a pulled together, gender accommodating room. Here is a snippet of what we had to say: "Due to economic conditions, space constraints, the popularity of multiples or …

Whether your decorating style is transitional, comptemporary or straight up modern, you can’t help but have a soft spot for the sweet, charming feel of vintage.