Baby Gear

BabyBjorn Woods Collection

Guys, you know it and I know it—the woodland theme is not going anywhere soon, and it continues to be a huge point of inspiration for nurseries. […]

Car Seat Cover from The Project Nursery Shop

We’re all about what’s pretty here at Project Nursery: the latest wall decor trends, unique rugs and the most stylish diaper bags. But we also know what it takes to just make it through a day that starts with a 5 a.m. feeding and ends with a bath time temper tantrum. […]

4G Baby Carrier from Boba

When you are creating your registry for your first baby, the list of all the things you need to buy can seem endless, but what about the second time around? The good news is that a lot of the things you bought the first time will also work great for baby number two. [..]

Baby Monitor Giveaway

It might seem too good to be true, but we promise you, this giveaway is real and oh-so-exciting! Gugu Guru’s Back to Sleep promotion is running throughout September in honor of the official Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month, and we’re thrilled to participate! […]

Pastel Gold Nursery

Pastels are a nursery tradition that will never really go out of style. When people think baby, their minds naturally go to those soft and sweet colors. Now, just because it’s a tradition doesn’t mean we can’t give it some modern edge. […]

Rockabye Baby

From just about the dawn of time, parents have been using soft lullabies to soothe and calm their babies. But let’s be real for a minute, Twinkle, Twinkle and Baa Baa Black Sheep seem a little tired (wink, wink, pun intended), don’t ya think? […]

STEP Diaper Pail

If you’ve spent any time walking the baby aisles, you know Munchkin. Their colorful, modern products cross over nearly all the baby categories, so you can spot their fresh ideas and innovative solutions to parenting all over. […]

Alternatives to a Double Stroller

When baby number two is on his or her way, you may immediately start thinking about how you are going to move around with two little ones in tow. And when you factor in how fidgety a toddler can be and the bulk and expense of some double strollers […]