
DIY Felt Baby Mobile

When I was planning our son’s nursery, I fell in love with a boutique felt mobile with the sweetest little nature characters. Unfortunately the mobile was not in my budget, and it looked much too intricate for me to attempt to make on my own. But when I […]

How to Melt Crayons

This past weekend, the kids and I had an hour of down time on a Saturday afternoon. I quickly scanned the web for a “quick and easy toddler craft” since we didn’t have a ton of time. Pictures of repurposed crayons showed up and my kids immediately said, “We want to do that one!” So …

DIY Bookcase

It seems like most things baby-related are so fleeting. As new parents, we await our little ones’ milestones for what feels like forever, staying wide-eyed and vigilant because if we blink, surely we’ll miss them. And it’s not just those special firsts that are here today, gone tomorrow […]

Free Printable Cake Treat Box

Sometimes I find myself telling my kids something is a piece of cake, as in no big deal, easy peasy—just do it already! They most often don’t agree with me. From potty training, to bike riding, to learning to do certain chores, they’re pretty convinced that mom is crazy! […]

DIY Stuffed Animal Bookend

I know I’ve mentioned this once or twice (or fifty times) before, but my littles—especially my daughter—love to read. Our collection of books is, well, extensive, and our bookshelves are just about full. I know I should pare down our library a bit […]

Printable Thank You Tags

When I was prepping my hospital bag for my little boy’s arrival, a friend gave me a dose of advice. Bring something for the labor and delivery nurses, she told me. Boy, was it great advice. […]

Dr. Seuss-Inspired Kids Activities

If you’re like me, you introduced the magic of Dr. Seuss rhymes to your children while they were still in utero. Dr. Seuss’s birthday was last week on March 2, but you can celebrate him and his creations all year round with some of these kid-approved Seuss-inspired activities. […]

DIY Gender Reveal Pop-Up Cards

First of all, if you miniaturize anything, it instantly becomes cuter in my book. Second of all, anything that “pops up” is so much more fun! So when I saw these adorable mini honeycomb garlands at my local Target, I knew I wanted to use them to create pop-up gender reveal cards! […]