Room Decor


Okay, I’ll be honest. This is one of those categories where you may want to purchase several of the options below. Getting your wee one to sleep is a main priority in the first months, and finding the right fit for your baby may take a few tries and may even change as he or …

Tissue Fringe Chandelier

Every nursery needs some dazzling decor hanging above your little one’s crib. The bonus? You can make this easy DIY tissue fringe chandelier in a snap! With a few supplies, an extra hour and a little love, you will have all of your mommy friends swooning over your fabulous creation. […]

Skip Hop Grand Prize Package

Are you as excited about our big giveaway with Skip Hop as we are? Well, just to get everybody a little more excited, we thought we’d throw together some samples to give you an idea what the grand prize nursery package might look like. […]

Caden Lane Crib Bedding

We are so excited about today’s giveaway from Caden Lane. For one, we love Caden Lane’s beautifully designed, quality crib bedding; secondly, we love the designer, Katy Mimari, our dear friend and PN contributor. She has such an amazing eye for mixing and matching patterns that result in a unique and stunning effect. […]

Glidden Disney Paint

The two most common ways to start designing a child’s room are to either select the bedding or select the paint color. Today’s giveaway will help you do both. Glidden Paint is giving away a $75 Walmart gift card towards Glidden Disney Paint and the Disney Fairy Bedding to one lucky Project Nursery reader. […]

It’s been hard keeping this one a secret folks! We worked with top design bloggers Oh Joy! and Lay Baby Lay, the founders of Layla Grayce and actress Tiffani Thiessen to make their nursery designs come to “real life”! […]

When I think of chair rails, visions of proper dining rooms pop in my head. You know, the kind where only holiday dinners are enjoyed and maybe the occasional scrabble game. After looking through our Project Gallery, I was delighted to see a fresh new take on chair rails in the nursery. […]

The new catalog for Unison came out this week, and if you are in need of decorating your beach house with a contemporary and clean vibe or just want a nautical room design, this is the one-stop shop for you. […]