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Gallery Roundup: Chair Rails and Fairy Tales

When I think of chair rails, visions of proper dining rooms pop in my head. You know, the kind where only holiday dinners are enjoyed and maybe the occasional scrabble game. After looking through our Project Gallery, I was delighted to see a fresh new take on molding work and chair rails in the nursery. Who knew they could be so easy to install? With some DIY instructions and some inspiration from our gallery, you too can transform your nursery into a glamorous fairy tale.

Chair Rails in the NurseryRoyal Prince Nursery by Jack and Jill Interiors


Orange and Gray Modern NurseryGray and Orange French/Paris Nursery by


Pink Toile Shabby Chic NurseryPink Toile Shabby Chic Nursery by Jack and Jill Interiors


Chair Rails in the NurseryFrench Inspired Nursery by dgheidij


For more inspiration and your chance to be featured in a gallery roundup, visit our Project Gallery

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Friday 12th of July 2013

Thanks for the DIY link! I am going to install chair rails in some of our rooms.


Wednesday 10th of July 2013

The grey and orange one is so stunning! The others are gorgeous and lovely, but the grey and orange nursery just really stands out. It must be because of the amazing contrast between the two colors!