Dare I say it? I’m over chevron. Okay, not completely over it; I still love it but in small doses. I’m over the everything-in-your-nursery chevron. Plus, I kind of feel like I’m cheating on chevron at the moment anyway. My latest obsession? A quatrefoil nursery. […]
Design trends come and go, but every once in a while, a new trend develops that’s particularly exciting. For us, one of those trends is Hollywood Regency style furniture for nurseries and kids’ rooms. This glam style used to be pretty hard to find in the juvenile world, but now […]
Modern Nursery is an online store filled with a ton of beautiful nursery pieces, from room accessories like rugs and lamps to furniture like gliders and cribs. Visit their store, and you will be drooling in minutes; it is seriously a one-stop shop for all your nursery needs. One gorgeous standout is the new Rhea …
If you love reading design blogs, there's a pretty good chance you've heard of Oh Joy!. Well, blogger extraordinaire Joy D. Cho happens to have a fabulously designed living room, and as soon as we saw it, we thought it had great inspiration potential for a nursery. How great is this space? It's not hard …
I’ve been designing nurseries for over ten years, and never before have I seen a single print, in a single color, explode like gray chevron has. There’s no question that this funky zig-zag style print is the biggest trend of the moment, and the gray color can play into a girl, boy or gender neutral …
We all know we are supposed to feed our children colorful fruits as a part of a healthy diet, but what about making sure we have a healthy portion in their room decor as well? There are plenty of fun, bright and playful fruity choices that will fit right into a playroom or bedroom without …
One of our very favorite things about the nursery design world is that we get to play with color, whimsy and childlike fantasy. Recently, there’s been a furniture trend popping up everywhere that definitely fits that bill—painted dressers. […]
As we spend cold winter days cuddled up on the couch with our little ones reading books, looking at pictures or enjoying a movie, we think about all those little lounge chairs sized just for little ones. From the comfortable to the iconic, we see more and more designer furniture being produced in perfect scale …