It’s hard to put into words, but we all know that magical feeling we get when we find a perfect pair of shoes. Now that I'm a mom, I get that same feeling when I find shoes for my daughter. It's never too early to teach her about shoes, right? Although I love having my …
Baby’s Things
Living in New York City has its perks, but apartment living with three young children has its challenges. It requires me to be super organized when it comes to keeping the kids rooms clean and clutter-free. When my kids want a toy they want it pronto, so categorizing toys by size and type (cars, balls, …
I have to admit when I open the mailbox to uncover a new catalog I get excited. Maybe it’s the shopper in me, but there is something amazing about opening a catalog filled with new products! One Step Ahead is always a fan favorite in my house. My daughter and I love to sit down …
In my last post, I wrote about book shelves. This week, I'd love to highlight some of the books that my children adore. I hope you like them. 1. Hug: Every time my daughter and I read the word "hug," we actually hug. Yup, pretty darn cute, if I do say so. 2. Mommy Hugs: …
How often has this happened to spot something you love, but it's just more than you want to spend or it has one feature that you just don't think will work in your decor. Project Nursery reader Holly had just such a moment, but she and her husband actually recreated the item themselves to …
I find something very comforting about being surrounded by books. I hope my children inherit that same feeling, so it's important that they have a bookcase or shelf that's their height where they can reach for their favorite book and have a moment to themselves. These bookcases are a fun way to organize your kids' …
My favorite childhood Christmas gift was actually the result of a moment of intense fear: There I was, seconds away from my turn to sit on Santa's lap, with absolutely no clue what I was going to ask for. When the moment came, I blurted out the very first thing that came to mind—a pink …
Christmas takes on a whole new magic once you have kids, and watching them experience the season with wide-eyed wonder is more fun than a whole boatload of mistletoe. And since I like to keep all those photos of my awkward (Dorothy Hamill haircut) childhood years under lock and key, I don't have a childhood …