This week, we are so excited to share one of our new nursery designs! We completed this gender neutral nursery for a client in Southern California and couldn’t wait to share with the Project Nursery community. For this nursery design, we tackled what seems to be one of the toughest things to do: to create …
While every parent is different when it comes to nursery design style, there's one thing we all agree on: A Nursery Should Be A Safe Place! Little Crown Interiors regularly calls on the experts at Safety 1st Pros to give our designs a thorough nursery safety assessment. We recently re-visited one of our nursery designs …
As nursery designers, we are often asked for recommendations about all kinds of things outside of the nursery - such as strollers. To make sure we stay current on the latest and greatest, we turn to our local stroller guru - Ben, the owner of Spoiled Beginnings furniture store in Orange County, CA. During a …
While this write up is a far cry from nursery decor - Good design is good design. Boon's new Plum Dispensing Spoon it yet another genius invention by one of the most innovative, contemporary baby companies in the industry, boon. We recently had a chance to meet Ying Tarantino of Boon at this year's She's …
Pam and I spent Saturday morning talking nursery design tips and party design trends with anchor Lisa Chan of San Francisco's CBS 5 news. Once we got a hold of our nerves, it was a blast! Lisa was so gracious and helpful. We enjoyed nearly 10 minutes of air time - so hopefully we succeeded in gaining …
Just for Project Nursery Readers - Little Crown Interiors has created an exclusive video to give you the first look at our newest baby girl's nursery interior design project! This whimsical, Asian-inspired nursery exudes happiness. From the bright aqua blue walls to the colorful stretched canvas artwork, it's a perfect room for a baby girl …
With the amount email traffic in my inbox, I rarely open a silly or sentimental "forward" unless it's from my sister-in-law or mother-in-law of course :). Good thing I did the other day. I hope all you experienced and expecting parents take a moment to watch the video below. Katrina Kenison, author of "The Gift of …
I was only a week or so postpartum when I got it into my head that I had to throw my oldest son Austin a train themed birthday bash! How much longer was his love for Thomas the Tank Engine going to last? And how could I make him feel really special? After all, his brand …