If you love reading design blogs, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve heard of Oh Joy!. Well, blogger extraordinaire Joy D. Cho happens to have a fabulously designed living room, and as soon as we saw it, we thought it had great inspiration potential for a nursery.
How great is this space? It’s not hard to see how this overall design could be translated into a truly stunning nursery. First, the color palette of royal blue, gold, white and a bit of wood tone is modern, fresh and could work for a boy or a girl. Second, there’s quite a mixture of styles in there—everything from mid-century modern to vintage boutique to glam, so combination is key.
Here’s some of our ideas on how to create a nursery in this style.
First, that exact wallpaper is quite amazing. Designed by Joy D. Cho herself, this pattern would be a lovely choice for a girl’s nursery. Having a boy? The wallpaper on the right would be an appropriate but still beautiful choice.
Next we need some mid-century modern-inspired furniture. The perfect place to start is definitely Dwell Studio; their mid-century crib in french white would fit right in.
This fantastic rocking chair from Design Within Reach would make a great accent.
And to bring that big pop of royal blue and geometric pattern, we found this similar trellis area rug that’s perfect!
The rest? Well, that’s up to you. Happy shopping!
Haeley Giambalvo
I’ve absolutely love Joy’s living room (and anything designed by Emily Henderson)! Such a great idea to create a nursery around it. Love it!
The living room indeed has that big WOW factor. Blue, white and gold isn’t a color combination you come across every day and not everyone can make it work.
Alison Mar
Hmn, they were wrong in naming this rug “trellis” because this isn’t a trellis pattern. It’s the Moroccan pattern. See the difference here: http://lh6.ggpht.com/-7lytlaHW8zg/T2tM5vLk5aI/AAAAAAAAGjQ/qgwWH7b6C5k/s1600-h/pattern%252520collage%25255B3%25255D.jpg