Wow was the first word that came to mind when we saw pictures of the first Bee Day birthday party planned and designed by Victoria Petrovsky. It’s definitely a showstopper of a party, and there is plenty of bee day party theme inspiration to be had! Victoria has shared other birthday parties she has designed in our gallery. We’ve always been very impressed by her creative ideas and keen eye for the little details that make a party memorable. We asked her to share some of her best party planning advice down below. Thank you, Victoria!

How do you start your party planning process?
I try to come up with an original theme or a way to enhance a theme that’s already been done. Once a theme is decided, I usually move on to an invitation design, which I tend to use as inspiration for the design of the overall party.

When planning a party budget, where do you suggest parents save and where should they splurge?
I think splurging on a kids table and kids entertainment is always what I’d recommend. I tend to be less focused on adult furniture such as tables/chairs, etc.

What is your favorite part or detail of the party? What did the guests like most?
The kids table and the backdrop. I love a good wow moment and that’s always the kids area when people first walk in.

What is one thing that you would tell other parents to consider when planning a kids party?
Parties are expensive. Make sure you’re spending in the right places. It’s always nice to have fun things for the kids to do to go with your theme like this bee day birthday party.

Vendors: Design/Planning: @queen_victoriap | Rentals: @sweetsalvagerentals | Cake/Dessert: @sweetdeetails | Backdrop: @papergardenxoxo | Flowers: @pavanfloral | Signage: @creativeamme | Food: @leeshoagiehouse | Bar: @crystalbartenders | Softplay: @luxesoftplay | Lollipops: @sweetcarolineconfections
Photography by Kara Coleen
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