Your kids have decided to try to stay up till midnight this year—or you finally caved and are letting them. So what to do with those kids all night? Ringing in the New Year with little ones is a whole lot different from your pre-kid days and even different from the baby and toddler years when you tucked them into bed like any other night of the year. In case you were wondering what to do with your kids on New Year’s Eve, we’ve planned out a night of fun for your whole family. Follow our New Year’s Eve countdown schedule or add your own fun activities and traditions.
5pm It’s time for everyone to get dressed for the big event. Whether you choose to don fancy party clothes or festive jammies (pictured below) is totally up to you!
Jenny Keller Holiday Party image by Laura Marchbanks
6pm Dinner time! Make sure it’s extra special for everyone, so if that means lobster for the adults and breakfast for dinner for the kids, go for it! Tonight is not the night to deal with, “I don’t want to eat that” whines. You need to keep these kids fueled if you’re all going to make it to midnight!
image from Pancakes and Pajamas Party
7pm Don’t forget a yummy dessert. Chocolate fondue, homemade cookies or pudding served to look like a fancy drink will get your kids in the New Year’s mood.
image by Frog Prince Paperie
8pm Break out the craft supplies! These noisemakers are just as fun to make as they are to shake at the strike of midnight.
9pm If you live on the west coast, lucky you! You can cheat and watch the ball drop in Time Square and call it a night for the kids. East coasters, sorry, take a deep breath and buckle down for another few hours. How about a dance party to liven up any sleepy heads? Or what about some magical nighttime playing in the snow (if you have it)? I have such fond memories of those few times I got to play in the snow under just the house lights—pure magic.
image from Happy Wish Company
10pm It’s time to make your New Year’s resolutions. It is so much fun to hear what little heads come up with. You can also consider creating a time capsule of sorts to mark favorite moments and memories of the past year to reopen next year.
New Year’s Resolution Party Hats
11pm Break out some light snacks and games to pass the last hour.
image from Petite Party Studio
Midnight Whew! You made it. Kiss those kids and hurry them off to bed as fast as you can.
Plan B: And if those droopy lids just can’t make it (or you can’t), Netflix is once again offering their Netflix New Year’s Eve kids countdown. This year the Care Bears and their cousins are doing the honors.
Happy New Year!