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Ahoy, Matey, Check Out These Nautical Boys Rooms!

The nautical theme is still crazy popular in children’s design, and there is a reason for that. It’s a classic children’s room theme that has been used for decades, most often in boys’ rooms (though we love a girl’s take too!). There are many ways to interpret this theme, and we love seeing how our readers put their own spin on a classic theme.

Red White and Blue Shared Boys RoomCarter and Wesley’s Big(ish) Boy Room by

Nautical DresserAdventures in a Big Boy Bedroom by

Boy's Nautical Bedroom Rope FramesKnox’s Maritime Adventure Big Boy Bedroom by Honey & Fitz

Nautical Boy's RoomGavin’s Nautical Room by

Nautical Boy RoomPatriotic Boy’s Room by Andrika King Design

For more children’s design inspiration, visit the Project Junior gallery, and don’t forget to upload your own project!