Everything You Wanted to Know About Buying Nursery Furniture

I have worked in the baby business for well over a decade, and with each passing year, the expecting parents that I meet become more educated, inquisitive and definitely more direct about what they want (thank you, Pinterest!). But there are a few standard questions about buying nursery furniture I hear year after year that I like to call my FAQs of the nursery.

Subtle Nautical Themed Nursery - Project NurserySee More: A Nod to Nautical Nursery

When should I order my furniture? While you would think this answer might vary depending on where you order, I think there is a general rule you should follow. Count back 8-12 weeks from when you want it, and that’s when you should order. The furniture business is a fickle one, and there are a lot of factors that can cause it to blow off course, so allowing for delays of any kind is crucial. Ordering last minute can lead to stress at a time when you should be calm and zen.

What furniture do I need in my nursery? While every nursery is a different size, there are some essentials you should try to make room for. My ideal nursery includes a crib. dresser/changer, extra storage piece and glider. Those are the basic furniture pieces, and then depending on your personal space, you can add on from there. For example, you might want a table next to the glider, wall shelves, a bookcase or a toy chest.

Vintage Glam Nursery - Project Nursery
Lillie Mae’s Vintage Nursery

What if I don’t know what I am having? This is the biggest dilemma I hear about—the struggle between wanting to be surprised in the delivery room but also being able to plan ahead. It’s a tough one, but there are a few easy solutions. At my store we offer our secret service option, which allows you to pick out two different nurseries, one boy and one girl, and then have your doctor tell us what you are having. We will order accordingly, and, of course, delivery comes after baby arrives. Option two is to go neutral. Creating a neutral palette is smart for both financial and practical reasons. If this is baby #1, choosing neutral nursery furniture allows you to reuse the pieces for the next baby and so on. You can always add gender specific colors down the line, but keeping the furniture neutral just makes sense.

Neutral Nursery Furniture - Project NurserySoft & Serene Neutral Nursery

When should I have my furniture delivered? This is a personal question that only you can answer. Some of my clients opt to take their furniture well in advance so they can have the room set up and ready to go. Others, for superstitious reasons, opt for delivery after the baby arrives. Either should work, although timing can be trickier with a post-birth delivery.

What nursery planning questions are plaguing you? Ask away!

Check out the rest of our Baby Furniture series:
How to Choose a CribHow to Choose a Changing TableHow to Choose a Glider and How to Choose a Dresser



Michelle resides with her family in Upper Saddle River, NJ. Mom to Stella and Nate, Michelle is the owner of Bellini Baby & Teen Furniture in Greenwich CT, and Manhattan, NY, as well as the founder of baby gifting site TheBeansCloset.com. She is also a licensed clinical social worker.

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