Remember the 5-second rule? Yeah, that was so 2019. Sanitizing has taken on a WHOLE lot more meaning in this Covid-crazy world. No time like the present to introduce you to our newest addition—the Project Nursery by Surface XL Pro UVC Sanitizer + Charger! […]
Project Nursery electronics
If you have been in this parenting business for any period of time then you know two things that kids can make extremely difficult for parents—travel and bedtime! Put the two together and you have a recipe for disaster. We’ve got good news for you though—the newest member of the Project Nursery electronics line is about to make both overnight trips and bedtime routines a little bit easier. […]
Hey, loyal Project Nursery readers! You’ve heard us talk (more like gush) all about our newest baby, The Project Nursery Baby Monitor. From conception through development to the final testing stages, we can finally say that it’s time to let this baby officially meet the world! […]