Today we want you to meet Pop & Lolli, a whimsical brand that makes creative, colorful and imaginative wall decals and wallpaper. We adore the playful feel of these unique creations—they are sure to spark the imagination of your little one. […]
Kid's room
Today we get cozy with Rebecca Peragine, creator and artist of Children Inspire Design and Fresh Words Market. Rebecca’s fresh and friendly taste carried into her sons’ shared room. Giovanni and Matteo, nine and six respectively, get to enjoy the bright colors, rustic textures and cool patterns their super fun mom chose for their room. […]
There is definitely something bittersweet about watching your kids shoot up like weeds. Every new chapter is more amazing than the last, but part of me wants to keep my hand on their heads to keep them for growing so darn fast! Today’s giveaway will help you keep track of all that growing that your …
Today we’re sharing a basement redesigned into a colorful playroom by our friends the designers of My Tiny Nest on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. Let us know what you think of My Tiny Nest’s Colorful Playroom in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. We look forward to bringing you new content …
As a mother of a young child who is just learning “the love of reading,” anytime I can create a space that enhances the experience or invites more book time I am for it. There are so many ways to build a special space for quiet reading. By adding more pillows to your bed and …
You used to think your husband produced a lot of dirty clothes; just wait until that newborn arrives. There’s nothing like going through multiple outfits, bibs, blankets and burps a day to fill up a laundry basket in no time flat. For my older kids, their laundry basket is in their closet or bathroom where …
We spend so much time picking out our baby’s name that it’s no wonder that we want to celebrate it once we’ve made the big decision. Many of our readers have come up with creative ways to display their babies’ names in the nursery. Take a look at these examples of name art that we …
Disney animated films were definitely one of my first artistic inspirations. As a tiny version of myself, I would sit really close to the screen so the images would fill up my entire field of vision. I loved not being able to see anything except the screen, which transported me to a magical place. One …