When we knew we were having a boy as our third child (after two girls, mind you), we had a whole new set of names to go through. I was thinking we’d name him more of a traditional boy name, and then my husband threw out the name Maverick. […]
As the weather gets colder, everyone loves gathering for a fun festivity and celebration. Our gallery reflected that very party spirit, and we’re so excited right now to reveal our six November finalists. […]
Okay, party animals, it’s time to unveil our six finalists for the month. You’ll see the fabulous talent displayed in the gallery this month makes it very clear our readers like to have a good time. Don’t forget to vote so we can award the winner a $50 gift certificate, courtesy of Project Nursery. […]
When my family travels, the stay at the destination is never the problem, it’s the getting there part that frazzled our nerves. Gathering a few contingency plans for tiny tots can be a smart move to keep the plane or car ride smooth. Here are a few ideas to choose from to keep small ones happy while you travel. […]
The Project Gallery was on fire this week with excellent submissions from our readers. Anyone looking for great design inspiration will be thrilled to see the projects of this past week, so we encourage you to take a look and have fun. Please let us know which one of these projects you “like” by Monday— …
When we started working on this nursery, there were three elements that we needed to incorporate—the iconic Hicks Hexagon wallpaper that was already installed in the room, a vintage Dr. Seuss print that the parents-to-be owned, and they wanted to feature a family tree somewhere in the space. Tying together these three disparate elements with …
We spend so much time picking out our baby’s name that it’s no wonder that we want to celebrate it once we’ve made the big decision. Many of our readers have come up with creative ways to display their babies’ names in the nursery. Take a look at these examples of name art that we …