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I painted the Murals around this Nursery to bring out the colors in the Bedding, as well as the theme, without being completely literal. By painting the pairs more realistically, the Mural will transition into a childs room.
Patricia McWhorter
Hi! I am a Mom and a Muralist. There is nothing more fun then Decorating a Babies Room! I try to paint Murals using the colors and themes from the bedding, with a twist. The more realistic, the longer the child will enjoy it.
Patricia McWhorter
Hi! I am a Mom and a Muralist. There is nothing more fun then Decorating a Babies Room! I try to paint Murals using the colors and themes from the bedding, with a twist. The more realistic, the longer the child will enjoy it.
THIS IS JUST WONDERFUL! Your murals really made the room look spectacular. I would be uncomfortable with something so permanent on my walls, but really it’s worth keeping forever!
Patricia McWhorter
Thank-you Dandelion, you are very kind. I wouldn’t want that forever either, I just want the child to enjoy it more then 2 or 3 years. It is only paint, so, I guess for me it is easy to just paint over it! lol
Kim Boyer
The mural is beautiful. My Mom is going to do something similar with my nursery :) Can I ask where you got the bedding? It’s adorable!