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    I’m a first time mommy to a beautiful baby boy.  When we found out we were having a boy, my husband solely wanted to do a Texas Longhorn theme for the nursery.  I wasn’t a big fan of doing that, so I compromised and added little hints of his beloved Longhorns into the colorful nursery.  Since we live in an apartment we couldn’t paint, so we wanted to do our best to create a bright and lively space for Kasen.  It all tied together really well.  To see more visit

    Mommy to two beautiful boys.
    Mommy to two beautiful boys.

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      1. Gena

        September 9, 2013

        I absolutely LOVE how bright and cheerful this nursery is! What a fabulous job you did without painting the walls. I also liked how you honored your hubby’s request with the Texan Longhorn pieces. Kudos to you and I think Kasen is a very luck little guy!!

      2. Key

        September 10, 2013

        aww thank you : )

      3. Chenell Young

        September 16, 2013

        Great job! Love the colors! I have the same metal distressed letter’s for my son’s nursery!

      4. Krystelle

        September 18, 2013

        I love this room! Thanks for all the inspiration! Can I ask where you got the lamp from?

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