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    An airplane themed nursery for a sweet baby boy!


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      1. Julie S.

        August 29, 2011

        Love, love, love this room!!! We’re doing an airplaine theme for our baby boy, too. Great tip on the hanging plane on eBay. We’ll be getting one. Thanks for sharing!

      2. BriskRain

        August 31, 2011

        I think an airplane theme is a really great theme for baby boys. Boys really do find airplanes fascinating. I love the hanging airplane, and oh, that antique propeller from your hubby’s gramps is just too precious!

      3. hillperk

        September 17, 2011

        Hi there,

        Great job on the room! Was the airplane difficult to hang? Any issues with it being heavy, etc? Thanks so much,

        – Hillary

      4. Maureen R

        September 19, 2011

        Thanks! :) Hanging the plane was surprisingly easy…. it came with the metal chain, which we connected to a plant hook in the ceiling. Since it is over his crib, we were extra cautious and supported it with three pieces of fishing line (on the tail and each side of the wing) tied to eye hooks in the wall and ceiling to reinforce everything.


      5. Mayra

        June 17, 2012

        Great job!!! I love it where did you find that dresser?

        Thanks, MAyra

      6. Tammy

        November 27, 2018

        Where did you find the hanging airplane?

      7. Beth

        November 27, 2018

        Hi Tammy, It says above that it was purchased from Ebay.

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