Shop Suggestions

    Much to my delight, Aiden requested a mustache party! Yes, it’s been done but I loved mustaches (found them hilarious) before they were trendy so I was really excited.

    Plus it’s perfect for Aiden who is one of the smartest kids I know but a total goofball who loves his milk and of course, loves cookies.

    I did as many DIYs as possible to keep the costs down and to make the party personal.

    Gilit Cooper
    Gilit Cooper
    Hi, I'm Gilit I have an Etsy shop called the Bannerie where I sell custom handmade garlands and banners for your party or home. Visit my blog Shoes Off Please for DIY, decor, and party inspiration!
    Gilit Cooper
    Hi, I'm Gilit I have an Etsy shop called the Bannerie where I sell custom handmade garlands and banners for your party or home. Visit my blog Shoes Off Please for DIY, decor, and party inspiration!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Shirley

        December 1, 2013

        I love that you asked for his input. Also, these projects are almost too adorable!

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