As you get to know me, you will find that I am obsessed with personalized items. I think I've started the trend within my group of friends to give embroidered baby shower gifts and children's birthday gifts. Using personalized items in decorating is a great idea too! When I was decorating my daughter's nursery, I …
New parents Susanna and David, who hail from Louisville Kentucky, created a charming nursery centered around classic Americana from the Dick and Jane educational readers of the 1930's to 1960's. These beloved stories and illustrations show life as simple and pure, hopeful and uncomplicated. Fitting qualities for a baby's first home! Susanna shares all the …
Not everyone lives in a 6+ bedroom home in Pasadena! If you are fan of that drama stricken Sunday night show (like me and my mother-in-law), you'll know exactly what I mean. Space does have its constraints and many of us are faced with the challenge of a boy/girl shared room. It can be quiet …
Growing up as the youngest of four I was usually dressed completely in my siblings hand-me-downs. I'm not complaining, actually it was pretty great to have such a wide assortment of clothes and toys. Now, I am insistent on giving away or donating anything that is in decent shape. I was excited to learn about …
Sherbet has never tasted so sweet! Meet Luciana Misura: mom, seasoned blogger and from what I can translate, a Brazilian living in Austin, Texas! Well, Luciana can proudly add decorator to her list after designing a a sweet, clean and contemporary room for her daughter, 17 month old Julia. Project Nursery is more than delighted …
Aimee Wilder just launched a new wallpaper line that will get you thinking, "Hey, I really should wallpaper a room!" Now coming from someone who recently stripped her entire home of bad 80's wallpaper I often wonder if I will ever wallpaper again. Uber-cool, whimsical designs like clouds, birds and squirrels have me thinking...Yes! Add a splash of color …
One of my favorite rainy day activities is to look at old photos of my parents and grandparents. Studying the clothes and hairstyles would transport me back in time. Want to bring that feeling and love of vintage to your tots nursery or bedroom? Petrie Point Designs, LLC is a collection of one-of-a-kind, rare …
Little Apple Design was delighted to take part in a baby nursery judging contest over at Creative Baby Nursery Rooms. Click on each photo to meet the five finalist: Girly Mod Nursery Safari Theme Nursery Modern Garden Nursery Vintage Circus Nursery Monkey Nursery We have a difficult decision to make! Who is your favorite? Let us know …