Project Nursery

My daughter's favorite fictional character, Nancy, from the Fancy Nancy series by Jane O'Conner is definitely on to something. Things do in fact seem a little fancier when they come from France. Well, Nancy would be ecstatic to discover L'Affiche Moderne. This French e-shop specializes in selling limited-edition posters from photographers, graphic designers and children's illustrators around the …

Travis' Mother and Aunt enjoyed a wonderful bonding experience pulling together his colorful and creative nursery. The quick run down: Green 'Billy' bookshelves from Ikea White toy storage from The Company Kids Red crib (no longer available) by Ragazzi 'Fiesta' bedding by Sweet Kyla Baskets in changing table and floor lamp also from Ikea And …

Whether it is the springboard of inspiration for your baby's nursery or the final touches on your toddlers room, art pieces for their walls can make a big impact for your overall design. When shopping for art for my son Brandt's nursery, I found that some pre-made or pre-framed art that was geared towards a …

What's the hippest, freshest resource out there for new and expecting parents? The Cradle of course! Offering the latest in pregnancy calendars, networking, tips and entertaining yet informative articles...Our new friend The Cradle, has recently updated their all encompassing lifestyle site to include a blog cleverly entitled, "The Cradle Crush". While a favorite category of …

When we moved out of our small NYC apartment and into a spacious San Francisco Victorian one major issue had to be solved immediately. The diaper changing madness! Although my bottom was getting firmer, I was completely exhausted from hauling up and down the stairs with baby in-tow to access the changing table. I needed …

I had the pleasure of attending a fabulous shower for our dearest friend Carla last weekend. While I didn't get the throw the shower (the details were left to Gloria who did an amazing job by the way), it got PN thinking of all the ways the baby shower hostesses can shower mommy months and …

Mom Jennifer deserves a big congratulations for winning the Creative Baby Nursery Rooms' Nursery Picture Contest!  Jennifer created a charming, modern, nature-inspired nursery for her new little bundle of joy Brooklyn. Ourselves along with Dawn of Nursery Murals & More had the pleasure of judging. You can get all the juicy details of the room …

First Facebook and now Twitter! We may be late to the game but we are hoping you can help us catch up.  Follow us now on twitter: and we will promise to follow back! What an excellent way to grow a small business and get your name our there! We hope to make a …