Party favors. There I said it. The two most dreaded words for moms with little ones. Party favors have been the topic of controversy on many a mommy blog, Facebook mom group, and beyond. […]
Project Nursery
It’s time for another nursery e-Design reveal! This one was really fun to design even though we had a challenge right from the start. […]
Looking for simple and affordable art for your child’s room? Well, you might not have to look any further than old paint swatches from your latest remodel project. […]
So we showed you our most popular baby registry items from The Project Nursery Shop, and now we are sharing baby registry essentials that you can find on Amazon. […]
Planning a boho nursery? One key element to achieving that look is lots of layering and texture, and a quick way to get that is with a wall hanging. […]
Rattan, bamboo, cane, whatever you want to call them, natural woven pendant lights are having a moment. These natural beauties are showing up in all shapes and sizes; we’ve sourced a bunch for you across all price points. […]
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we have the perfect last minute gifts (that also happen to be free!). […]
It’s a boy! Prince Harry and Meghan Markel welcomed their baby boy, and you know us, we couldn’t help but dream about what the royal nursery may look like. […]