Building a library of books for your child is a great way to encourage them to read. However, keeping books organized takes some thought and time. Here are a few ways I like to organize kids' books. By Color: My favorite is to arrange them by color. This makes quite a design statement. The floor-to-ceiling …
We've talked about Emily Press Labels before, so you know how much we like their products. Whether labeling your child's things for daycare, school or just for playdates, Emily Press Labels has tons of options for all sorts of items. You're sure to find both the design and function to meet your needs. I still …
Are your child’s toys taking over your home? You are not alone; this is a common problem for many of my clients. Now is the perfect time to take action, get organized and add some style to your children’s play areas. The first step in organizing is to purge any unused, broken or duplicate toys. One …
From pencils to water bottles, shoes to lunch bags, labeling your child's gear is important to keep us parents organized. I label just about everything. Labeling does more than just help you get organized—labeling helps prevent those awkward sippy cup mix-ups at play dates during cold and flu seasons. It keeps sweaters out of the …
I can never be too organized. The bunking of my two boys together into one room and the unfolding of a new nursery has created the need for creative storage. Over the last few weeks, we have taken on some closet transformations that I will be sharing over my next few posts. Oh sure, I …
Whether your child will be carrying a blanket to daycare, lunch to preschool or books to grammar school, a well-designed backpack can help keep items organized and protected. When shopping for a backpack, parents first need to focus on comfort and fit. When fitting a backpack for your child, it should be no larger than …
Like Johanna mentioned yesterday, storage is key in children's spaces big and small. I just completed a major toy purge this past weekend, and man did it feel good. Most days I feel like toys, books and art supplies are taking over my entire house. I'm always trying to improve the organization of my kids' …
My husband and I live in NYC with our three young children, and finding space for a growing family has its challenges. When our second son Graham was born, we converted part of our alcove dining room into a small, cozy nursery. To jazz up his room, we hung an over-sized mirror on one of …