When it comes to our kids, safety is always our number one priority, but that doesn’t mean that style can’t come in as a close second. Once your little one becomes mobile, it is important to baby proof your home, and now there is a way to do that without sacrificing your decor! […]
Baby Gear
Okay new mamas (and daddies too!), we know you have about a million excuses to not get out there and exercise (including one that weighs somewhere between eight and twenty pounds and does a whole lot of crying and pooping). But listen up—we’ve heard them all, and we don’t buy them. […]
I think it’s safe to say that every parent looks forward to the day when their child is potty trained. Gone are the days of realizing you forgot the diaper bag after a trip across town or having to get creative when a restaurant doesn’t have a changing table. Let’s not forget to mention the …
When my first child started to transition to solid foods, I was committed to making his baby food. What I wasn’t anticipating was the amount of time it took to do it. I had the grand idea of making it all in one day and in bulk […]
What’s your excuse for not making it to the gym? When I was pregnant, it was because I didn’t feel well or didn’t know which exercises were safe. Now that I am the mom of a toddler, my go-to reasons are that he won’t go to the daycare at the gym or the hours don’t …
Some parents are very proactive when it comes to baby proofing their homes—the outlets are covered before baby is born and the cabinets are secured well before he’s learned how to crawl. My husband and I are definitely not in that group. […]
I love to sleep, and if there’s one thing I miss about my pre-motherhood days, it’s the freedom to sleep in as long as I want on the weekends or take a nap when I’m feeling a little bit rundown. I really do consider myself the luckiest mama on the planet because my little ones …
Are you ready to fall head over heels in love this Valentine’s Day? Love is in the air, and Team Project Nursery is revealing our crush list! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we want to share a few items that have caught our eyes […]