I think it’s safe to say that every parent looks forward to the day when their child is potty trained. Gone are the days of realizing you forgot the diaper bag after a trip across town or having to get creative when a restaurant doesn’t have a changing table. Let’s not forget to mention the expense of buying diapers!
Well, we have finally reached that point in our lives when we are ready to potty train our third and last little. Liv will soon be turning two and has started showing signs of being ready to start the training process. We have been noticing her disappearing into another room and minutes later reappering with a lovely little smelly surprise for us.
One of the first things that has to happen is that your child MUST be ready and you must be too! Oh sure, mom and dad may be over the dirty diapers, but there needs to be a few signs of readiness in order for this to happen in a few short days, and you need to be fully committed.
First on the list, create an environment that promotes the P&P, which for us means a NEW potty! This 3-in-1 Potty by Ubbi along with their Diaper Caddy are the perfect additions to our bathroom to gear up little Livy to get things moving! She was immediately curious about the potty.
Potty training is a task that can be very overwhelming for many new parents. We decided that with five kiddos already potty trained between the two of us and one more to go, we may know a thing or two about this whole potty training thing.
Potty training when your child is not ready will equal months and months of frustration.
Potty training over 3-4 days when your child is ready is totally doable. Some signs to look for: Do they communicate that they need to go? Are you finding periods of dry time? Awareness? Interest in the potty? If you are saying yes more than you are saying no, please proceed on to Potty PoopCamp.
Here are our five steps to running your own successful PoopCamp.
- Set aside time—uninterrupted time. We did it in three days. This means no leaving the house during that time. You have to be 100% committed to their success.
- Set up camp, and create an area that you will be comfortable in for the first day. Make sure you have everything you need right there—books, crayons, treats, movies, stickers, puzzles, games and whatever you’ll need to occupy them during this focused time.
- NO pull-ups during boot camp unless it’s time to sleep. In our experience, pull-ups only set back kids’ progress. They feel a lot like diapers, and some kids may not know if they have wet themselves. Make a trip to the store to pick out new underwear, empower your child and get her excited about the experience.
- Select rewards. Set up some sort of reward system to help keep your child on track. My littles have always responded to stickers and candy. It is so important to celebrate the successes!
- Have a chat to let her know what the next few days are going to look like, that this is something you’ll be doing together and how fun it is going to be. There are some great picture books that can aid in giving your child some visual reference.
This 3-in-1 Potty by Ubbi is so versatile and awesome, and we’ll be armed with the right tools when Liv is totally ready. Oh, and it’s also a step stool…
Once your child has outgrown the potty chair, the removable toilet trainer can be used on your toilet. And how cool is this hook? Brilliant!
We’re using the awesome Diaper Caddy to house toiletries and, of course, stash some lollipops in the drawer for instant rewards for successes on the potty!
She sure is excited to get the potty started!
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Project Nursery and Ubbi Want to Talk Potty ! - Project Nursery
Monday 28th of March 2016
[…] forces to help pave the road to potty training success. If you missed it, be sure to check out our Potty PoopCamp […]