It's the accessories that compete any hot mama's look. With a 7:15am bus drop off I'm usually un-showered and wearing workout clothes but I always apply a little mascara add a colorful scarf and some great jewelry. It's like an instant face-lift! And for the record I do eventually shower. So when it comes to …
For Mom
Oh the joys of pregnancy! Morning sickness, exhaustion, itchy skin, varicose veins and those dreaded stretch marks! What's a pregnant gal to do? Fight back with Honeydew Skin Care! Honeydew takes a tongue-in-cheek approach when it comes to battling all the bumps, lumps and aches during those long nine months of pregnancy. Balmy Mommy (an …
Sometimes the "matchy-matchy" look can be over the top. However, these fresh summer looks for mom and her little gal-pal made my reservations about the trend melt and gave me visions of warm summer days. I wonder if dads get the same feeling when they spot "mini-me" stuff for their boys? I think a little …
Three cheers for all mothers this weekend. Just a little something to make you smile and to forward to your favorite Mother's Day gift giver (in case they require a little extra help). I know that both Melisa and I only truly want breakfast in bed and some quality time with the family but something …
Middle of the night, your water breaks, contractions begin. Off to the the hospital you go, you're having a baby. Although there was no water breaking or frantic rushing in either of my children's birth stories (induced), I still have vivid memories of both of the days I walked into the hospital to give birth. …
What's the hippest, freshest resource out there for new and expecting parents? The Cradle of course! Offering the latest in pregnancy calendars, networking, tips and entertaining yet informative articles...Our new friend The Cradle, has recently updated their all encompassing lifestyle site to include a blog cleverly entitled, "The Cradle Crush". While a favorite category of …
All this depressing wall street stuff has really got a girl down. Nothing like a little sparkle to lift the mood. My sister's friend introduced us to this great line of simple and chic jewelry by designer Adina Reyter. There are a ton of pieces to fall in love with in her line and after perusing …