Fab Finds

Throughout our 2010 Virtual Holiday Baby Shower Giveaway we will be taking a closer look at some of the incredible products the Project Nursery Grand Prize Winner will receive. The prize package is valued at $2,000! See our giveaway blog before December 24th for details on all the ways you can enter. Our winner can …

There's a brand new smelly stuffed animal (smelly in a good way!) that's made it's way into my son's bed and heart. It's called the Scentsy Buddy and it's adorable. While it's real name is "Mollie the Monkey", he's turned her into a boy and she now goes by the name of Marlin. Safe for …

Baby gifts are on the brain this holiday season and my first stop is the luxury, bamboo line of Baby Chai. Maybe it's their plush and absorbent cloth diapers, cozy bunting bags or that sweet mod elephant icon that has me smitten. There's just something so "zen" about creator Leslie Pitt's designs! Baby Chai is the …

Throughout our 2010 Virtual Holiday Baby Shower Giveaway we will be taking a closer look at some of the incredible products the Project Nursery Grand Prize Winner will receive. The prize package is valued at $2,000! See our giveaway blog before December 24th for details on all the ways you can enter. The grand prize …

I'm sure many of you are traveling in the car or on a plane this holiday season.  I have a few plane rides ahead of me and I'm always looking for small, light and interesting toys for my 2-year-old to play with.  These are a few of my favorites  to purchase for your travels (or …

I was so excited when Pam and Melisa asked us to write a post about our 5 favorite things. I like nothing more than to share ideas and finds with friends. Just another reason why I love blogging. The following items are not only my favorites but I have owned or currently use all of …

It's the accessories that compete any hot mama's look. With a 7:15am bus drop off I'm usually un-showered and wearing workout clothes but I always apply a little mascara add a colorful scarf and some great jewelry. It's like an instant face-lift! And for the record I do eventually shower. So when it comes to …

Kid's backpack

I LOVE the holidays, and absolutely everything about this time of year. That said, I’ve never been great at “doing” the holidays. I’m the Mom who forgets to bring a gift to the party because I was too busy blow drying my kid’s outfits which I forgot I needed washing. I’m the one who has …