Fab Finds

Designing my kids nurseries was such a blissful process. Does the baby like pink and turquoise? Yes. Should I paint a tree on the wall? Of course. Do I want to avoid a theme or licensed character? ABSOLUTELY. But then comes the day you start daydreaming about new design ideas—about the time that you are ready to move your …

Poppy Tree Frames Wall Frames

We've been working on a nursery design in which we wanted to create a large-scale display of wall frames in different shapes, sizes and colors. However, if you've ever tried to pull this off in your own nursery, you know how hard it is to find such a selection. Luckily, we came across a fantastic …

I find something very comforting about being surrounded by books. I hope my children inherit that same feeling, so it's important that they have a bookcase or shelf that's their height where they can reach for their favorite book and have a moment to themselves. These bookcases are a fun way to organize your kids' …

Giant pink teddy bear

My favorite childhood Christmas gift was actually the result of a moment of intense fear: There I was, seconds away from my turn to sit on Santa's lap, with absolutely no clue what I was going to ask for. When the moment came, I blurted out the very first thing that came to mind—a pink …

With all of this holiday cheer and festive decor, I can't help but imagine what a holiday nursery might look like! Of course, that isn't very practical, so instead, let's just let the colors inspire us! One of my favorite color combinations used for the holidays is red and turquoise—they are bright and happy colors, a …

Mini-e Eames Child's Chair

In every child's mind, it seems that bigger is always better. Kids always go for the biggest present first! Well, that's what I did at age four when I saw a huge box wrapped messily with seams all over and a big bow on top. What on earth was this lumpy, misshapen thing? It was …