The official countdown to the end of the school year is here! As our kids say goodbye to school and hello to summer vacation, we parents need to prepare for the months ahead. We love the sunny days and fun by the water, but we all know that means extra planning for mom and dad. …
Baby’s Things
Oh my has the baby shoes game gone through the roof! I swear babies these days are wearing trendier footwear than me. […]
Whether you’re a bottle-feeding, breastfeeding or pumping mama (or even a combination of all three), a bottle warmer is an essential item to add to your baby feeding arsenal. But there are a few must-have features for a bottle warmer that will ensure that it’s a useful tool. […]
Do you go to playdates and find yourself saying, “Oh, we have that too.” Or spot a baby playing with a toy happily in the shopping cart and say, “My baby loves that too!” There are some toys that you see over and over again […]
My kids love books. I remember back to when my first son was under a year old, still crawling and saying just a few words, and he would work his way back and forth between his bookshelf and my lap with book after book after book, saying, “Buh?” […]
My daughter’s fourth birthday party is right around the corner (Side note: FOUR?! How did she get to be four?), and there’s something super special about planning a celebration for a little one. Birthdays are magical in their eyes, and parties are almost guaranteed to be the highlights of their short little lives. […]
Can we talk about nipple confusion for a second? When pregnant with my first son, I was dedicated to getting breastfeeding right. I read the books. I did my homework, and I learned I better be scared of nipple confusion. […]
We’re less than one week away from the official start of spring, and I’m EXCITED. I’ll admit that Mother Nature went easy on us here in Upstate New York this winter, but I still can’t wait to trade in play dough for a sandbox and crayons for sidewalk chalk. […]