Party Supplies

Recently, I styled an Ahoy! It's a Boy! baby shower theme for a client and wanted to share some inspiration to wet your whistle before we share the photos. I love this theme because it can be used for a baby shower or a little sailor birthday party. I love the traditional Americana colors of …

I, along with my partner in crime, recently had the opportunity to partner with our local Pottery Barn Kids and share some fun and creative summer entertaining ideas. It gets pretty hot here is Phoenix, so while the weather was still tolerable, we focused on throwing a fabulous pool/beach-themed party. The party goods were designed …

What's the saying? "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" In our home, this couldn't be more true, and even my littlest, Sloane, screams in sheer delight when she hears the words ice cream. I figured I'd go with her enthusiasm for the delicious frozen treat and make her second birthday party …

Cake. Sweet, fluffy and light, smeared with frosting, whipped cream or dusted with powdered sugar, cake is always a rallying point at a party. It's very hard to have a milestone event without this hallmark of celebration. When I threw my friend's "baby love" baby shower recently, I decided to focus on cakes and make …

We at Project Nursery know that many moms share the dream of starting their own business to try to find that elusive balance between work and family life. Rebecca is going to share a little about her journey with us.   Well, I feel like life has been in fast-forward for the last four …

It's that time of year! I love the summer months. Not only is it my family's (yes all of us!) birthday season, it's also time for spending beautiful weekends by the pool with family and friends. To get you in the mood, I want to share some essentials for a pool party playdate that the …

Remember the artist's paint palette cookies I shared with you? Well, here is a follow-up with some more great DIY party ideas. We are in full birthday swing over here. Between me and my bestie/business partner, three of our five kids have birthdays between April and May. This first party was themed around the birthday …

Beautiful chunky necklaces are very popular right now. Why not make one you can eat? They are super easy party favors, just detrimental to your middle! Make them fast, and you will be alright. Here is what you will need: 1. Colorful gumballs 2. Ribbon 3. Metal skewers 4. Embellishments like flowers and ribbons (optional) …