
Pink and Orange Cake Pops

We’re not sure what Miss Manners may have said back in the day about second baby showers, but we’re pretty sure everyone agrees that every baby deserves to be celebrated. […]

First Birthday Smash Cake

The park, balloons and snacks—these are a few of my one-year-old’s favorite things. In lieu of a traditional themed first birthday party, we decided to throw a kid-friendly picnic at our local park to celebrate Brody’s first year. […]

Free Printable Cake Treat Box

Sometimes I find myself telling my kids something is a piece of cake, as in no big deal, easy peasy—just do it already! They most often don’t agree with me. From potty training, to bike riding, to learning to do certain chores, they’re pretty convinced that mom is crazy! […]

Shawna Gohel Daughter's Birthday Party

Shawna Gohel is no novice when it comes to the business of amazing parties. Let’s say she knows her way around extravagant parties; after all, her company Maharani Weddings, is the largest website catering to luxury Indian brides around the globe. If she knows her way around a wedding, we knew her daughter’s first birthday …